Hola Amigas! How are you? I can't believe its Friday and a beautiful day at that. Tonight we are going to my neice's softball game. It's the last one for the season...Well today is my turn to host our Stamp A Holic challenge. It's a scrapbook layout. What do you think? Come on and play.

When I created this sketch I knew I wanted to add Solimar and Joaquin when they were born and a combo of recent pics...Let's see what magic I can brew.

As typical as it is I am going to use Pretty in Pink and Soft Sky (retired). I need a base color and some coordinating colors.

The coordinating colors I am going to use is Wild Wasabi (returning In Color) and Apricot Appeal. This was a little tough for me as Joaquin was in an oxygen "house" when he was born. He was born with a collapsed lung and then had to puncture a whole in his chest to inflate it with pure oxygen...It was HEART BREAKING. It was difficult to find a pic without all the wires on his head, chest, and arms...

As you can see 7 minutes down and that was just finding pics and cardstock...Do you see Senor Asqueroso. He is a COCHINO/pig. He did not want to get out of last weeks outfit.

Now to mat my pics...Do you see the pics. In the 2nd column, 1st pic Joaquin is wrestling Solimar. In the 2nd pic they are messy from painting, and the 3rd pic he thru a FISTFUL of sand in her face...
Here is my title...do you see what it reads? GOT ANGELS? Yeah, me neither! HILARIOUS! I crack myself up. They aren't ANGELS but they are MY angels.

I have 23 seconds does it look like I am going to finish on time..Yeah that would be a BIG FAT NO! Senor Asqueroso didn't taunt me this time as he saw that this page was emotionally difficult. He actually was trying to help...but don't let him fool you. I think he was just scared of might happen to him...HE HE
So what do you think? No Stamping? UGH! I have to redo to add stamping...
Paper: Wild Wasabi, Apricot Appeal, Soft Sky, Whisper White
Ribbon: Soft Sky and Pretty in Pink (stripes)
Thanks for the great layout, Marisol. You did a nice job of fulfulling your own sketch. Cute kids!
Lovely lovely LO Marisol..gorgeous pics too!
how precious, beautiful pictures of your beautiful family and thank you for designing this awesome sketch for us this week.
What a sweet page, Marisol. the pictures are precious. I don't think it needs any stamping, the "Got angels?" is perfect! Did you do that on the computer? Now I see what you had in mind when you said there would be vertical ribbons in the sketch if you knew how to add them! They are a nice touch.
Bueno Marisol. Your babies are so gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the sketch with the Stamp A Holics. I love all of your work.
Carey Rogers
aka Roscoe's mommy